Raspberry Ripe Popsicles
I recently created a few recipes to share on the Loving Earth instagram page. This one was too good not to share with you all on my site. For a good few months I have been trying and trying to perfect the vegan ice-cream. Yep. Lots of failed recipe attempts (and lots of grainy, icy, bland ice-creams). Recently, I came across a novel thought (well novel to me…) what if I added cashews- they are what gives my raw cakes a smooth, creamy and thick consistency?
and then it happened.. I created a delicious, smooth, and creamy vegan ice-cream. Since then I've gone a little ice-pop crazy. My first attempt turned into the 'Golden Gaytime' pops that are in my EBOOK (and still to this date my favourite of them all), second turned into these 'Raspberry Ripe' pops which you will get the recipe for if you wait patiently.. or if you just scroll straight past all my blab... and third turned into the 'Choc Minty' pops on my instagram page. So yes, I am the little-vegan-ice-pop-crazy lady.
Now if you don't have ice-pop moulds- IT'S OKAY you can still indulge in this goodness- I will tell you how in the recipe. or you can go find some.. like I did- I found them at Wheel and Barrow (Australian Kitchenware Store) but I've also found some more on eBay (silicone ones) and they do come in handy over summer.
Nutritional fun facts:
After doing a quick little nutrition comparison I calculated each of my ice creams to contain approximately 7.2g sugar (less than 2 tsp) which some is coming naturally from the raspberries, nuts and coconut.. I compared this to a Classic Magnum, which contains 23.6g of sugar (roughly 6 tsp) per bar. wow!
Also, interestingly, my pops each contained roughly 5.3g of saturated fat, (this was calculated when using almond milk) while the popular Classic Magnum contained 13g of saturated fat. psssst- almost triple.
note- nutritional figures have been generated with MyNetDiary App.
Raspberry Ripe Popsicles
Makes 8
// for the pops //
- 1.5 cup raw cashews (soaked overnight)
- 2 tbsp pure maple syrup (or any liquid sweetener)
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 cup dairy-free milk (coconut, almond, etc)
- 1 cup raspberries (frozen)
- 1/2 tsp guar gum or tapioca starch (I use a mix of both)
- pinch of sea salt
// to decorate //
- 20g chocolate (I used 1/4 of a block of loving earth's raspberry chocolate)
- 20g caramel chocolate (I used 1/4 of a block of loving earth's salted caramel chocolate)
- handful of coconut flakes
- handful of frozen raspberries
How to make:
- Drain and rinse the cashews then add all the 'for the pops' ingredients to a high powdered blender. Blend until smooth.
- Pour into popsicle moulds (see note), insert wooden sticks and place in the freezer for over 24 hours.
- After at least 24 hrs, melt the chocolate and caramel over two double boilers (bowls over pots of boiling water).
- Remove the pops from their moulds and place on a wire rack.
- Drizzle the pops with the chocolate and caramel. Sprinkle with coconut flakes and crumbled frozen raspberries.
- Place in a sealed container- ideally not touching each other and return to the freezer for at least 30 minutes before eating.
Store for up to a month in the freezer.. but lets be real, they ain't going to last that long.
Note: If you don't have popsicle mould's have no fear, simply line a cake tin/tray with baking paper, pour in the mixture, set for 24 hrs then remove, slice up into rectangle shaped pieces, and follow steps 3, 5, and 6.
“People who love to eat are always the best people”
Raspberry ripe popsicles
Raspberry Ripe Popsicle
I hope you love this recipe my lovelies!
For more recipes like this one, head to the EBOOK section of my website, or click here, and download a copy of my recipe eBook- 'The Wholesome Life'
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Here's something else I am loving: Sarah Wilson's Simpilicious Cook-Book and 8 week program